
Viewing office spaces can be both an exciting but also arduous task. On the viewing we are often drawn to the more exciting features or perks of an office such as the roof terrace or the yoga classes included in the rent. However there are a number of important questions we recommend asking on the viewing that relate to the cost and services, in particular what is included and what is excluded as part of your contract.

These will all vary from provider to provider and building to building, so it is important to consider these key differences. Take a look at our useful checklist below:


  1. What is included and excluded in the monthly cost?
  2. What is the deposit arrangement? Where is the deposit held?
  3. What is the notice period of my licence?
  4. How easy is it to increase the size of the office within the building and/or portfolio?
  5. Do we have access to other buildings in a portfolio?
  6. What are the reinstatement costs once we vacate?

IT & Phones

  1. What IT connectivity is available as standard?
  2. What is the cost of a dedicated internet line?
  3. What do you charge for a phone line?
  4. Do you charge a corkage fee if we bring our own phone system?

Meeting rooms

  1. How do you book meeting rooms?
  2. What is the cost of booking a meeting room?
  3. Do you offer a credit system for meeting room booking?
  4. Do you offer a discount package/bundle for being a member?
  5. Are they serviced with refreshments included?


  1. Do you offer other furniture types to what is shown?
  2. How often does the space get cleaned?
  3. Can we brand the office and make any alterations?


  1. How do the reception services work?
  2. What are the parking / bike storage provisions?
  3. What other companies are in the building?
  4. What is your lease arrangement on the building? (how long is left, do they own the freehold?)
  5. Are you planning any refurbishment works anytime soon?
  6. Do you allow pets? (if applicable)
  7. What are the moving in arrangements and are there any time restrictions to do so? Is there a good lifts available?


  1. What events do you offer for the staff members and can we hire event space?

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